Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Seeing Eye to Eye

The eyes speak volumes.

In them, we may read fear, hope, joy, ecstasy and passion, courage, pain, isolation, love, confidence, curiosity, shame and guilt, trust or lack thereof, anger, self-doubt, friendship, hope, despair, etc.

What happens when we really meet someone eye to eye? The eye of a stranger on the street? A new acquaintance? A child? A spouse? A parent? A grandparent? A homeless person?

We speak with our eyes on a daily basis; across the room, across the street, across the bed.

What is spoken? An honesty, a truth, a vulnerability? Two powerful messages are exchanged, just with a single look. All it takes is a second. And then there are those glances that last an eternity - sometimes because we don't want them to end, sometimes because we fear their end.

It's in the eyes that we have entry to the soul. Permitted to or not, we are able to see deep inside another, and just through the eyes we can gain a sense of who they are.

"Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?"
Henry David Thoreau

Some eyes are unforgettable. Circumstance? Hue? Others, just for being a conduit to catch the extreme beauty of a person's inner-spirit.

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