Monday, November 27, 2006

In the Present, Finding Happiness in the Journey

I live in the present,

Keenly aware of depth of sight, sounds, textures, colors, my moods, my thoughts, my smallness in this universe, and my purpose in this universe,

Finding it's in the little things that I find beauty - a smile, a glance, the feel of a fabric, the crunch of a leaf, the color of the sky, being appreciated and also in appreciating,

Staying connected to my roots, but at the same time allowing myself the room and freedom to branch out and to grow,

Taking time each day for solitude, to be totally alone, to just breathe, to just be, and to remind myself that I am not completed by any another human being, but that I come to my relationships a complete, though ever changing individual,

Remembering that I am a daughter, a sister, a niece, a granddaughter, a cousin, a wife, a friend, a teacher, a colleague, an entertainer - each role giving me unique opportunities and diverse responsibilities,

Recognizing that while no life is perfect, I have much to be thankful for, while I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, a job, a family and clothes on my back, others are not as fortunate and are hungry, cold, naked, feel completely alone in life, and are without hope,

Understanding that I have seen real poverty, though I have not experienced it, I am mindful of how I use the resources that I have been given,

Reflecting on my past experiences, my personal teacher, brings me renewed strength and remind me that change and growth are cyclical like the seasons, and that in beauty there can be pain and in pain there can be beauty,

Believing that while I may be able to try have influence over a situation, things will be as they will be in their right time, as if I am living in a story that is already written and time is of no significance. I can choose to accept this or I can opt to fight it, causing me additional unfulfillment, pain, anxiety or sorrow.

I take risks and opportunities when they come my way, valuing them as opportunities to learn, to grow, to change...

I choose to find beauty and fulfillment in the day to day simple living, in what my natural world offers me, in the relationships that I am blessed to have, and in the work that I have been given to do.

This is how I choose to live in the present.

I'm thankful for my friend who keeps me reflecting about why and how I do it. This was a valuable tool for me. Hopefully this will be valuable for you.

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